Minggu, 30 November 2014

Recovery/Fastboot ROM Files for XIAOMI Redmi 1S Stable MIUI

Tutorial flashnya bisa dilihat disini,

Redmi Note 4G MIUI Developer Version
These ROMs can only apply to Redmi Note 4G

ROM Version Size MD5
Redmi Note 4G 4.11.21 (4.4) 594M 66b21efe3a8bc13832e0e8e9499c3d37
Redmi Note 4G 4.11.14 (4.4) 588M 3631a87be2430824f78cafbba2928de2
Redmi Note 4G 4.11.7 (4.4) 594M 241f1cf2b8b8a9fd7d6c9296fdee3a1e

Redmi 1S WCDMA MIUI Stable Version
These ROMs can only apply to Redmi 1S WCDMA version

ROM Version Size MD5
JHCCNBE29.0(4.3) 589M069aa53411f907d163d95935c3577ea7
JHCCNBD24.0(4.3) 530M389751fbedecfee644dd334c59d15823
JHCCNBD23.0(4.3) 530M 340628b41f54111026261c759db8ade1  

Redmi 1S WCDMA/CDMA Global MIUI Stable Version (Recovery)
These ROMs can only apply to Redmi 1S WCDMA/CDMA version.

JHCMIBH45.0(4.3) size 514M

JHCMIBH43.0(4.3) size 514M

JHCMIBF37.0(4.3) size 543M

Redmi 1S WCDMA/CDMA China MIUI Stable Version (Recovery)
These ROMs can only apply to Redmi 1S WCDMA/CDMA version.

JHCCNBH41.0(4.3) size 330M

JHCCNBF37.0(4.3) size 370M

JHCCNBF36.0(4.3) size 369M

JHCCNBF34.0(4.3) size 370M

JHCCNBF33.0(4.3) size 370M

JHCCNBF31.0(4.3) size 370M

JHCCNBE29.0(4.3) size 398M

JHCCNBD24.0(4.3) size 325M

JHCCNBA23.0(4.3) size 325M

JHCCNBA15.0(4.3) size 313M

JHCCNBA11.0(4.3) size 314M

JHCCNBA9.0(4.3) size 314M

Redmi 1S WCDMA China MIUI Stable Version (Fastboot)
These ROMs can only apply to Redmi 1S WCDMA version

JHCCNBh41.0(4.3) size 515M

JHCCNBF36.0(4.3) size 608M

JHCCNBF34.0(4.3) size 608M

JHCCNBF33.0(4.3) size 608M

JHCCNBF31.0(4.3) size 608M

JHCCNBE29.0(4.3) size 589M

JHCCNBD24.0(4.3) size 530M

JHCCNBD23.0(4.3) size 530M

Senin, 24 November 2014


1. persiapan tempur
 a. download dan install USB Driver
 b. download install LG MOBILE SUPPORT TOOL
keduanya bisa download (di sini )

2. buka program LGMobile Support Tool yang muncul di dekstop

tinggalkan dulu untuk sementara yang ini.

3. sekarang device harus masuk ke download mode dulu..  caranya.
 a. cabut dan pasang kembali battery
 b. tekan dan tahan tombol volume + dan volume - secara bersamaan
 hubungkan device ke pc pakai kabel data
sewaktu menghubungkan device ke pc kedua tombol volume tetap ditahan sampai keluar tulisan download mode dibawah logo lg

 ok kembali ke LGMobile Support Tool

 perhatikan disudut kiri atas apakah device sudah terdeteksi oleh LGMobile Support Tool
 jika sudah lanjut jika belum silahkan tunggu :D


secara otomatis program akan bekerja sendiri

5. bikin kopi dulu sob sambil nunggu
 lumayan download softwarenya  500 - 600 mb

6.jika sewaktu s/w upgrade proses berhenti di 4% jangan panik sob
cabut device dari usb dan pasang kembali dalam keadaan download mode
kalo ga terjadi apa2 ya biar aja
nikmatin kopi nunggu proses selesai..


OK selamat mencoba sob semoga hasilnya tidak mengecewakan

Sekian dulu semoga bermanfaat

Sabtu, 22 November 2014


trik buat flashing kalo 1508 dah ga kedetek NCS
yang dikarenakan file boot error
selama rusaknya masi disoftware hp masi bisa ditolong

kita lihat cpu yg digunakan 1508 adalah via telecom maka tidak asing lagi bagi temen2 yang sering merepair haier ato nexian hp ini (1508) bisa direpair juga menggunakan tools ets main ...

pertama instal dulu ets main tornado
kemudian instal firmware 1508
setelah terinstall semua
1.jalankan EtsMain
2.masuk ke debug--->comm--->check usb
3.masuk file--->flash download--->pilih cp.boot--->masukan file <boot_800.rom>
4.colokan usb yang sudah terhubung dgn nokia 1508 ke pc
5.ketika usb dicolokan akan terdengar ting dung(keraskan speker simbadanya biar kedengeran jelas) maka dimenu flash download pada tulisan download akan menjadi active...langsung klik download
<....proses perbaikan boot sedang berjalan.tunggu sampai ada tulisan download succes......>
close etsmain nya
kemudian buka NCS nya
jagan lupa driver usb 1508 nya harus sudah terinstall
sampai disini mudah2an hp sudah terdeteksi oleh NCS
baru update firmware
update sucses hp dijamin nyala selama kerusakan pada softwarenya

kemungkinan setelah hp nyala sinyal akan hilang
coba diulangi proses flashing nya dengan menyertakan file2 yang dibutuhkan
seperti file prl/eri nya

ato di flash juga dgn menggunakn EtsMain juga bisa tessted 100% work
tp kalo cuman mo direfurbis gunakan NCS

disini complit






Kamis, 13 November 2014

china clone firmware download link

HDC Galaxys S5 Pro(updated 06/13/2014)
MT6572 @ 1.3 Dual Core 1 GB RAM 2 GB ROM
FWVGA Display, support Gesture Control/Heart Rate/Finger Scanner
Product link here
Changes1. Uninstalls Chinese Apps
2. System UI original Android UI
3. Chinese first boot language
Hidden Settings*#9002# to change boot logo, (permanent)
*#0*# to enter test model
ROM Link (cable flash)Password: 7788 , click here for to download
Cable Flash Guideclick here for the full guide
HDC Galaxy Note 3 N9000(updated 06/12/2014)
MT6592 @ 1.7 GHz Octa Core, 3 GB RAM, 16 GB ROM
1080p Display, Gesture, Android 4.3
product link here
ContentsSamsung Booting Logo (.rar)
LinkClick here to download
HDC Galaxy S5 SM G900F Golden(updated 06/12/2014)
MT6582 @ 1.3 GHz Quad Core, 1 GB RAM, 4 GB ROM
FWVGA Display, Gesture Control
Note: Changes/details of the rom will be added later
product link here
ContentsROM, cable flash method
LinkClick here to download
Cable Flash Guideclick here for the full guide
HDC Galaxy S4 N9592(updated 06/12/2014)
MT6592 @ 1.7 GHz Octa Core, 2 GB RAM, 8 GB ROM
QHD Display, Android 4.2IR Remote Control, Gesture Support
Note: Changes/details of the rom will be added later
product link here
ContentsROM, cable flash method
LinkPassword: 5566 Click here to download
Cable Flash Guideclick here for the full guide
HDC Galaxy S5 Lte(updated 06/12/2014)
MT6582 @ 1.3 GHz Quad Core, 1 GB RAM, 4 GB ROM
QHD Display, Gesture Support
Note: Changes/details of the rom will be added later
product link here
ContentsROM, cable flash method
LinkClick here to download
Cable Flash Guideclick here for the full guide
HDC Galaxy S5 G900H(updated 06/12/2014)
MT6592 @ 1.7 GHz Octa Core, 2 GB RAM, 8 GB ROM
720p Display, Gesture Support, Heart Rate Sensor
Note: Changes/details of the rom will be added later
product link here
ContentsROM, cable flash method
Change Boot Logo*H*H11111#*H*ROM, cable flash method
LinkPassword: 8899 Click here to download
Cable Flash Guideclick here for the full guide
HDC Galaxy S5 G900F(updated 06/12/2014)
MT692 @ 1.7 Octa Core, 1 GB RAM, 8 GB ROM
720p Display, IR Remote Control, Heart Rate Sensor
product link here
Changes1. Uninstalls Chinese Apps
2. Add Fake Finger Print unlock
3. Add Administrator Permission, thus can be rooted
4. English as default language on first boot
5. Improves GPS signal and functionality
Hidden Settings*#3646633#* engineer model, rewrite imei number
Changing the LOGO1. There are 3 models of S5 Logo booting, for example, if you want the booting logo of the G9006V booting logo, just simply transfer/send the files in G9006V- the XXXYYY folder to your sd card.
2. Turn off your phone, and reinsert the sd card, start it up again, then the boot logo will be changed
Original ROM(cable flash) Password: 4321, click here for to download
Updated ROM(cable flash) Password: 4321, click here for to download
Boot logo ChangePassword: 4321, click here for to download
Cable Flash Guideclick here for the full guide
NEW ROMS: Updated March 21, 2014
Note: the ROMS/Firmwares below are new and have not yet been tested
Updated ROMS January 27, 2014 – Feel free to try them
iNew V3 (cable flash) – link
HDC Galaxy Note 3 Sunny II (3gb ram + 32gb rom, cable flash) pwd: zklm – link
HDC Galaxy Note 3 Sunny II (2gb ram + 16 gb rom, cable flash) pwd: ttyu – link
Elephone P6 (password: zzvv) – link
mt6592/mt6589t/mt6589/mt6582/mt6582/mt6577/mt6575/mt6572 (cable flash Driver, autoinstall) pwd: gghz – link
Flash tool v5.1343.01 (pwd: qwas) – link
Updated ROMS January 14, 2014 – Feel free to try them
HDC Galaxy Note 3 Max – link
HDC Beloved Honey – link
Thunderbird i5c – link
HDC Galaxy S4 Legend 2 – link
HDC Galaxy Note 3 Sunny (after flash, wait 5 minutes, take out battery and restart) – link
HDC Galaxy Note 3 N9006 (cable flash) – link
Kiphone i5c – link
HDC Galaxy Note 3 N9002 (after flash, wait 5 minutes, take out battery and restart) – link
Lenovo s920 Multilingual  – (pwd: bbs.lenovomobile.com) – link
Neken NX 16gb Aliyun OS  – link
Neken NX 16gb Android OS  – link
Neken NX or Feiteng V5 16gb Samsung Rom (pwd: cr8r)  – link
Zopo ZP980 16gb ram, 32 gb Sony Rom  – link
Zopo ZP980 16 gb ram/32 gb Lewa Rom (only english and Chinese, does not support playstore with root) – link
HDC One Max S6 (cable flash) – link
iHTC Butterfly S6 (cable flash) – link
THL W8 mt6589, 1 gb ram, 4 gb rom (cable flash)  – link
THL W8 mt6589t, 1 gb ram, 16 gb rom (cable flash) – link
Jiayu G4 mt6589 1gb ram, Android 4.2 (card flash) – link
Jiayu G4 mt6589 2gb ram and 32 gb rom (cable flash) – link
Jiayu G4 mt6589 1gb ram, Android 4.2, Samsung (card flash) – link
Jiayu G3 mt6589 (cable flash) – link
Jiayu G3 mt6577 dual core (cable flash) – link
Updated ROMS as of  December 18, 2013 - Feel Free to try then, most are untested and  new
HDC Galaxy Note 3 N9006 - Link 1, and Link 2
HDC Galaxy Note 3 Max – Link 1
HDC Beloved Honey – Link 1
Thunderbird i5C – Link 1
HDC Galaxy S4 Legend 2 – Link 1
HDC Galaxy Note 3 Sunny – Link 1
Kiphone i5c - Link 1
HDC Galaxy Note 3 N9002 – Link 1
Cubot T9 – ROM
(iNew) i6000 firmware LeWa OS (08/30/2013) – ROMCWM Recovery Mod
Caesar A9600 (MT6589) – ROM
UMI X2 – Clean ROM, GPS improvements – ROMCWM Recovery Mod
Jiake P6 (official rom) – ROM
Jiake V8 (official rom) – ROM
Jiake JK10 – ROM
Updated ROMS – 
AUGUST 22, 2013
ROMS for Dual Core and Older Phones
  • iOcean X7 Youth (cofface), Chinese Recovery System – Link 1Link 2Link 3, Link 4, Link5
  • iOcean X7 Elite Chinese Recovery System – Link 1Link 2
  • iOcean X7 JB2 JLrom Corner 130702  (07/02/13) – Link
  • iOcean X7 JB2 JLrom Corner end – Link
  • iOcean X7 Lenovo OS JLrom (05/15/2013) – Link 1Link 2
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Lewa JLrom Corner (07/01/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Lewa JLrom Corner (07/02/2013) – Link 1, Link 2
  • iOcean X7 LeWa83 Jlrom Corner (06/21/2013) – Link 1Link 2
  • iOcean X7 MIUI Jlrom Corner (06/23/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Samsung JLrom (05/31/2013) – Link 1Link 2Link 3
  • iOcean X7 YunOS Jlrom Corner (06/23/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo KB Jlrom (07/27/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo LeWa Jlrom (08/02/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo MIUI Jlrom (07/27/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Samsung Jlrom (07/19/2013) – Link 1Link 2
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Samsung Jlrom (07/20/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Samsung Jlrom (08/27/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 turbo JB2 Jlrom Corner  (07/02/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 turbo JB2 Jlrom Corner end – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus JB2 Jlrom (07/17/2013) – Link 1Link 2
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus JB Jlrom (08/16/2013) – Link 1Link 2
  • iOcean X7 Turbo KB  Jlrom (07/27/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus LeWa Jlrom (07/18/2013) – Link 1Link 2
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus LeWa Jlrom (07/23/2013) – Link 1Link 2
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus LeWa Jlrom (08/02/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus LeWa Jlrom (08/16/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus LeWa Jlrom (08/30/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus Samsung Jlrom (07/19/2013) – Link 1Link 2
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus Samsung Jlrom (07/20/2013) – Link 1Link  2
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus Samsung Jlrom (07/30/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus Samsung Jlrom (08/12/2013) – Link 1Link 2
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus Samsung Jlrom (08/15/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo Plus Samsung Jlrom (08/26/2013) – Link
  • iOcean X7 MIUI v3.8.16  (android 4.2) 412632739c – Link 1Link 2
  • iOcean X7 MIUI v3.8.30  (android 4.2) 92cbd06b1d – Link
  • iOcean X7 MIUI v3.8.9  (android 4.2) 8346c1fdab – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo MIUI v3.8.16  (android 4.2) 1c11bb7448 – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo MIUI v3.8.2  (android 4.2) ea2ae84c1d – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo MIUI v3.8.30  (android 4.2) fa8edbb962 – Link
  •  iOcean X7 Turbo MIUI v3.8.9  (android 4.2) cb74af7223 – Link
  • iOcean X7 Turbo CWM 6.03.4 recovery – Link 1Link 2
ZOPO C3 JB2 ROM LeWa (07/25/2013) – Link
INSTRUCTIONS “you can also use the instructions below to update via SD Card” Aside from splash tool, this method is also effective for some ROMS.
1) Download the custom ROM, copy to the external SD card root directory.
2) Download CWM, extract and copy ‘xx_xxxx_recovery_xxxxx-xxxx.img’(CWM recovery) to the root of your SD Card.
3) Start MobileUncle Tools (Download on Goolge play).
4) Select Update Recovery (choose ‘xx_xxxx_recovery_xxxxx-xxxx.img)
5) Mobile reboot in CWM and and follow this instructions:
– Wipe Data / Factory Reset -> delete all user data
– Wipe Cache Partition -> Wipe cache
– Advanced -> Wipe Dalvik Cache
6) Return to recovery main interface, Install zip from sdcard -> choose zip from sdcard -> Select the ROM
7) Flash complete, restart the phone and have patience, first boot takes a while
Using Splash tool to update Firmware
1. Download and extract the files to your pc
2. Turn off your phone and connect your phone to PC via USB. It will ask you to install needed driver. You should install msxm16, vcredist_x86 and InstallDriver in the folder MTK_USB_Driver.
3. Click Flash tool and run it, download link
4. Choose scatter-loading (MT6589_Android_scatter_emmc.txt)
5. Plug in USB cable to PC, click download button as soon as you plug-in the phone to your PC.
6. Wait until the green circle pops out which means you successfully, if RED, you should reflash again.